

Worrying and “What if…”

Worry can be the most prominent feature of someone’s anxiety. The “what if” scenarios can affect people throughout the day and even at night while they are trying to sleep. I call it “being stuck in problem-solver mode.” Worry can lead to sinking feelings of apprehension and dread from all the bad things we’re worrying about. Although some things in life cause fear and rightly so, oftentimes worry stems from irrational fears about events that are in fact very unlikely.

Symptoms and dangers of anxiety

Here are some signs to be on the lookout for:
  • Panic or Anxiety Attacks

    A sudden surge of anxiety can cause an anxiety attack or even a panic attack. These attacks, which may come from out of the blue or be triggered by stress. are accompanied by physical symptoms such as a racing heart, sweating, and feeling dizzy. Someone having an anxiety or panic attack can also fear that they are dying or going crazy. Such experiences can be severe, terrifying, and debilitating. Fear of having a full-blown panic attack can make us avoid situations so much so that our world becomes smaller and smaller.

  • Tension, Irritability and Impulsivity
    You know the feeling. “My nerves are shot.” You feel like you are about to crawl out of your skin. Every little thing is bothering you. When left untreated, tension can lead to irritability, and impulsivity. This form of anxiety can lead people to make decisions that they later regret, such as substance abuse, losing their temper, hurting other people, or harming themselves.
  • Physical Problems from Anxiety
    Anxiety can also be expressed by physical problems, such as headaches, sore muscles, fatigue, high blood pressure, racing heart, sweating, stomach upset, and insomnia. If it goes untreated, anxiety can lead to very serious and pervasive health problems, such as heart attacks, strokes, or terminal illnesses.

If you are affected by anxiety,
call me for a free consultation.

Anxiety is a very treatable condition

  • There is help for people who suffer from anxiety. Evidence-based treatment for anxiety includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), and Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART). 
  • The benefits of psychotherapy can be enhanced with medication, herbal supplements and other plant medicine, exercise, and meditation.

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