
Group Psychotherapy

Find Connection and Growth through Group Psychotherapy

What would it mean to spend 75 minutes every week getting support from a group of other folks similar to you who are dedicated to empowering you and seeing you thrive? To hear you and to see you, with care, empathy, and understanding?

Groups can be transformative

Participating in group therapy provides a unique opportunity for transforming your life. Having a strong bond with me and the other folks in the group is essential for positive therapy outcomes. For this reason, I establish and maintain a warm, supportive, and safe space to reflect, gain perspective, and learn new skills alongside others.

People who have been in therapy before often come to me complaining that they did not make progress in the past because all they did in therapy was talk about their problems. Of course, sometimes we just need to vent! Being seen, heard and understood can mean the world to us. But just talking about the problem can also keep us stuck. To make progress, a lot of times we need to make changes. By reasoning things out with me and the other group members, and by learning new skills in our sessions, we’ll help you find solutions.

We’ll talk about the problem
but focus on the solution.

You can actually enjoy therapy!

To me, psychotherapy – whether it’s individual or group therapy — is not something to be endured. In fact, people are often surprised by how much they enjoy group therapy with me. Our sessions are interesting, thought-provoking and engaging. I am fully present, which allows me to be deliberate and make the most of our time together. Even though sometimes they will be challenged, pushed outside their comfort zone, or go to painful places, folks look forward to their sessions because they see the progress they are making.

Group Therapy provides a unique opportunity for healing because of the sense of belongingness, social support, shared wisdom and mutual aid that comes from being a member of a group.

How It Works

  • Group therapy involves 75 minutes of participating in weekly or biweekly therapy with 4-8 other group members to work on challenges you are facing. Group members will be similar in terms of their demographics, challenges, and stage of healing.
  • Group therapy sessions begin with a brief check-in about how you’ve been doing since the prior week, and how you did with your intentions. We’ll celebrate successes and problem solve when our efforts weren’t effective. After everyone has had a chance to share, I’ll introduce the topic for the session based on a theme that has emerged from group members. At the end of the session, people can set their intentions to work on specific skills until we meet again. Accountability is an important component to making changes and groups are a great source of motivation and accountability for creating the life we want.

Let’s Get Started Today

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