
Individual Therapy

Experience the Benefits of a Safe and Intimate Space

Individual Psychotherapy is an incredible healing opportunity that many folks from all walks of life find beneficial at some point in their lives. Individual Psychotherapy allows you to meet with me one-on-one to connect on a deeper level in a safe environment. This unique intimate relationship alone can be deeply healing because in relating to and trusting your psychotherapist, you’ll be learning new skills for connecting with others.

Discover the Power of Psychotherapy

As your psychotherapist, I will start our journey together by getting a clear picture of the challenges you’re facing. I will hold space for your feelings and help explain what factors are involved in those emotions. I will validate your feelings and help you understand where they stem from. You will feel seen, heard, and understood. You will have my undivided attention and it will be all about you. When you are confused about a decision you are faced with, I will teach you how to tap into your inner wisdom. If you are upset about something, I will help you reflect and gain perspective. If you have symptoms causing you distress or interfering with your life, I will teach you new skills that will lessen or eliminate your symptoms. By teaching and practicing new skills with you, I will help you develop new neural pathways that will change your automatic patterns of behavior. Through our work together, I will help you create and live the life you want. Because I am solution-focused and directive, you will be amazed by how much we are able to accomplish in just one session! Most people report feeling much better by the end of our sessions and are prepared with skills to help them face their challenges.

Trusting your provider is the number one predictor of success in psychotherapy. You can be rest assured that under my care, you will be in the very best hands of a highly acclaimed and seasoned clinical psychologist at the top of her field. In addition, your privacy and confidentiality is strictly protected by law to fullest extent.

How It Works

  • Individual Psychotherapy sessions last ~50 minutes and can be in-person or by using video or telephone. Sessions begin with a brief check-in about how you’ve been doing since last we met (e.g., feeling less anxious this week). I’ll ask you how you did with your homework. We’ll celebrate wins and problem solve if you ran into challenges.
  • Next, I’ll ask you what you’d like to work on that day. If you’re going through a hard time, you may want talk about the problems you’re having. You may want to reason things out with me, reflect on your experiences, and gain perspective on the problems you’re having. Other times you may want to jump right in to learning specific skills that you can practice outside of therapy, so you can effectively make changes in how you cope with your challenges.


Accountability is an important component to making changes, so at the end of the session, we’ll set your intentions to work on specific skills until we meet again (e.g., practice thought stopping once a day). Lastly, we’ll set up your next appointment.

Let’s Get Started Today

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